Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Water Heater Problems to Look Out For


3. Water Is Excessively Hot

You intend to take a quick warm shower not to experience the torturous process of scalding. As such, it can be painful and distressing when your water heater keeps emitting excessively hot water. You don't need to keep up with the blistering experience.

Water heaters often emit water that’s hotter than usual when there’s a problem with the thermostat. Check if the temperature on your thermostat is set to high. Sometimes all you need it to adjust the temperature back to normal.

If the problem is a faulty thermostat, then you might need to consider a replacement. In some other instances, the issue could be underlying wiring issues. For the latter, you might need to consider the services of a pro in plumbing and heating.

4. A Noisy Water Tank

Water heaters don’t operate in utmost silence. Even so, certain levels of noise indicate a significant functionality problem. If you've used your water heater for a while, it's easier to detect the onset of a strange noise.

Sediment buildup at the bottom of the tanks is the most common cause of the noise. The heating element has to burn the sediment, a process that causes the sounds. You might need to drain the water from the tanks then clean the bottom of the tank as an immediate measure.

If sediment buildup isn't the leading cause of the noise, you need to assess the heating elements. Calling in a specialist can help you determine the state of the heating element before proposing a replacement. It's advisable to consider tank maintenance at least annually to reduce the buildup of sediments and protect the heating elements.

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